Cosy Diner

Hello welcome to my website. I go by many names; Luxe | Velvet | Sunny (But you can also call me Cosy if you prefer). If you get confused why people keep calling me different names, just know it's just the same little ol' me. This site is bare bones, but truth be told, it was made as a way to organize all my different sites and projects in a way that's more convenient to link, rather than having to flood my bios and descriptions full of links. It was also a place where I can host my blog as well as just put in things that don't really fit on any of my other sites. Think of it as a landing page of some sort, but not really.

In a way, it's the person behind the curtain of all these projects. Being completely upfront about who I really am is not natural for me so my work and personas do all the talking. This is probably the first time I have ever been this personal and let myself just say whatever is on my mind without any filters in public, so pardon me if I'm hard to follow.

With all that boring stuff out of the way, I'm going to keep updating this site to be a bit more accessible to whoever is passing while making it look more decent so it's always under construction.
